Client: Australian Potash LTD
Location: Western Australia
Solution: Ecofarmer SNR 250 Class A Package
Industry: Agriculture
Australian Potash LTD are developing a new facility at Lake Wells near the Laverton Region of Western Australia.
The operational facility will accommodate up to 120 full time staff and the facility has an expected operational life of up to 30 years.
As a part of the ongoing site utility and services management – a new sewage treatment system will be installed to cater for treatment of the sites sewage waste from the accommodation facility.
The new sewage treatment plant (STP) is to be designed to provide ongoing reliable service and to minimise maintenance requirements, and ensure ease of operation whilst maintaining reliable effluent quality and daily production.
Although the current site modelling is for only 120 persons to accommodate full time, RWTS sized the system to accommodate up to a maximum 250 persons to allow for any potential future expansions of facility.
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